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  • Pippa

The Dreaded Hair Loss Conversation

Have you noticed a little bit more hair falling out?

I want to talk about some factors that might be causing it.

Did you know that it’s normal for a certain amount of hair to fall out every day. On average we lose about 100 hairs daily. So if you haven’t brushed your hair for a while because it's been tied up for days, then don’t panic! It's probably just a few days' build up of hair that hasn’t had a chance to fall out as it's been stuck in your hair tie.

But, if you're noticing that it's a little more than normal, there might be an underlying cause that only a doctor will be able to treat. Here are a few causes that I've come across:


Some women may notice that their hair will suddenly fall out after their baby is born. This is due to a decrease in estrogen levels and is temporary! The hair will resolve itself and return to normal after a year or even sooner.


Have you recently been put on a new medication and have noticed an unusual amount of hair coming out?

Unfortunately, some medications have side effects that cause hair to fall out. Some medications that do this are:

  • High doses of vitamin A

  • Acne medication 

  • Antibiotics 

  • Blood pressure medication 

  • Anti depressants 

  • Anti-clotting medications

  • Immunosuppressants 

Check with your doctor if you’re concerned about the amount of hair falling out due to your new medication and they can reassess your needs. 


Are you trying out a new diet that you quite haven't got the hang of yet? You might be deficient in some vital nutrients such as protein, iron and vitamin B. This can cause excessive hair shedding. 

Go get a blood test done to see what you're lacking in!

Too much tension!

Otherwise known as traction alopecia. This is caused by tying your hair up too tight, having scalp braids or using hair extensions. When there is repeated tension or stress on the hair follicle it starts to become compromised and cannot sustain being healthy and strong anymore. The tension slowly cuts off nutrition and blood flow to the hair bulb, causing it to slowly diminish and eventually fall out. 

What you can do to prevent hair loss:

Most types of hair loss cannot be prevented, but reversible hair loss caused by external factors can be by:

Drying your hair naturally or with a hairdryer on a cool setting and using a good heat protection.

Use loose hairstyles to avoid traction alopecia and give your hair extensions a break for a while.

Avoid scratching the scalp, repeated inflammation to the scalp will slow down hair growth causing hair loss.

Using a hair growth shampoo, conditioner or treatment to help stimulate hair growth.

Taking supplements advised by your doctor if you are lacking in nutrients.

Remember to always talk to your doctor if you're worried about hair loss as they can help find the underlying causes! 


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